.. seq:module:: internal.builtin :seq:mod:`internal.builtin` --------------------------- Source code: `internal/builtin.seq `_ .. seq:class:: object **Magic methods:** .. seq:method:: __str__() :noindex: .. seq:function:: id(x) .. seq:function:: print(*args, sep : str = " ", end : str = "\n", file = _stdout, flush : bool = False) Print args to the text stream file. .. seq:function:: min(*args) .. seq:function:: max(*args) .. seq:function:: len(x) Return the length of x .. seq:function:: iter(x) Return an iterator for the given object .. seq:function:: copy(x) Return a copy of x .. seq:function:: abs(x) Return the absolute value of x .. seq:function:: hash(x) Returns hashed value only for immutable objects .. seq:function:: ord(s : str) Return an integer representing the Unicode code point of s .. seq:function:: chr(i : int) Return a string representing a character whose Unicode code point is an integer .. seq:function:: next[T](g : Generator[T], default : Optional[T] = None) Return the next item from g .. seq:function:: any(x) Returns True if any item in x is true, False otherwise .. seq:function:: all(x) Returns True when all elements in x are true, False otherwise .. seq:function:: zip(*args) Returns a zip object, which is an iterator of tuples that aggregates elements based on the iterables passed .. seq:function:: filter[T](f : Callable[T, bool], x : Generator[T]) Returns all a from the iterable x that are filtered by f .. seq:function:: map(f, *args) Applies a function on all a in x and returns map object .. seq:function:: enumerate(x, start : int = 0) Creates a tuple containing a count (from start which defaults to 0) and the values obtained from iterating over x .. seq:function:: echo(x) Print and return argument .. seq:function:: reversed(x) Return an iterator that accesses x in the reverse order .. seq:function:: round(x, n) Return the x rounded off to the given n digits after the decimal point. .. seq:function:: sum(xi) Return the sum of the items added together from xi .. seq:function:: repr(x) Return the string representation of x .. seq:extension:: int