.. seq:module:: algorithms.qsort :seq:mod:`algorithms.qsort` --------------------------- Source code: `algorithms/qsort.seq `_ .. seq:function:: qsort_array[S, T](collection : Array[T], size : int, keyf : Callable[T, S]) Pattern-defeating Quicksort By Orson Peters, published at https://github.com/orlp/pdqsort Sorts the array inplace. .. seq:function:: qsort_inplace[S, T](collection : List[T], keyf : Callable[T, S]) Pattern-defeating Quicksort By Orson Peters, published at https://github.com/orlp/pdqsort Sorts the list inplace. .. seq:function:: qsort[S, T](collection : List[T], keyf : Callable[T, S]) Pattern-defeating Quicksort By Orson Peters, published at https://github.com/orlp/pdqsort Returns a sorted list.